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  • 2021 Release xPath tab - contains the xPath which is used to find or map the location of each element within a QRDA I document. The “Key Table” section at the bottom of this tab makes the mapping more readable, the Key Table provides the XPath for the corresponding sections. Replace {SectionName} with the Section xPath on the Key Table. Then parse the resulting path and return the data from the parameters given in the @ part.

  • msrcattyp tab - provides the crosswalk the eCQM measure results and the chart-abstracted measure category assignments.

  • MeasureID tab - provides the measure IDs and OIDs of the eCQMs supported by The Joint Commission for CY2021 Reporting.

  • Inpatient Tab - provides the Inpatient OIDs

XPath and Measure OIDs Document:

View file



How to Download:

  1. Click on the MS Excel icon to the left and the document opens.

  2. Find the download symbol (most likely in the upper right hand corner of the document).

  3. Click on the download symbol and save the MS Excel document onto your computer.

Schematron Rules

“Schematron” is a rule-based validation language for making assertions about the presence or absence of patterns in XML trees. It is a structural schema language expressed in XML using a small number of elements and XPath.


The Joint Commission’s Schematron Rules are being provided to assist software developers in understanding how the DDSP validates uploaded QRDA I documents. The zip file contains a ‘.sch' file and may be opened in Notepad or another application that is able to open this type of file.

Schematron Rules:

View file

How to Download:

  1. Click on the zip file to the left. Note file will not display until downloaded.

  2. Click on the download button or find the download symbol (most likely in the upper right hand corner of your browser).

  3. Click on the download symbol and save the document on your computer.