Short Demo (coming soon)for Chart-Abstracted Data Entry, Submission, and Status
The Specification Manuals describe the chart-abstracted measures and data. The Specification Manuals contain the measure algorithm flows and data element definitions. These aid in understanding the measures and the data that is aggregated for the Chart-Abstracted Measure data entry tool.
Within the data entry tool, information icons provide information about each data field. Hover the cursor over the information icon to see information, such as the definition of the data that has been abstracted and aggregated.
The Measure Selection list shows the measures. For each measure, the list shows whether it is required or not available for data entry, each measure’s completion status by quarter and an open button. In addition, the list shows which quarters are open for data entry and, for those open, what each quarter’s submission deadline (close date) is.
a measure by clicking the Open button in the Measure List on the right. PC-01 measure was opened. This opens the data entry tool for the selected measure.
Switch to another hospital or measure from the top of the measure data entry screen:
The hospital and a dropdown hospital selection list (to switch hospitals) is in the top left corner.
Below the Need Help? button, there are two ways to switch to a different measure; either from ‘Return to Measure List’ or by directly choosing a measure from the list box next to it.
Quarters are displayed in tabs above the data fields. The First Quarter tab is automatically selected. If a quarter is open, its status will be ‘Closes mm/dd/yyyy’. Otherwise it is ‘Closed’ or ‘Not Yet Open’. Click on the quarter tab to view or change its data.
Select a quarter by clicking one of the quarter tabs.
Error found. Correct the errors click ‘Done’ again. If data passes, Edit quarter values’ reappears.
Next click on 'Edit quarter values’, on the far right of the screen below the quarter tabs. This changes the screen from View mode to Edit mode and enables data entry.
‘Edit quarter values’ changes to ‘Done’. Now data can be entered.
‘Done’ becomes active when changes are detected. Click ‘Done’ when ready to save changes.
Error Messages
All fields must have values and pass validation before data is saved. Error messages appear under any fields that failed validation. The ‘Done’ button changes to ‘Error’.
If the Done button does not switch back to view mode (Edit quarter values) after you click it, remember to scroll down to check all of the data for errors.
Each field has an i information icon that provide useful information when the cursor hovers over it. The information summarizes data definition and requirements. This helps to explain validation errors.
Zero attestation of the Initial Population or Denominator
If zero is entered for Initial Population or Denominator, zero attestation is required before saving. A zero attestation box appears and must be checked. After the box is checked, some data fields are deactivated.
Calculated values have a blue background with white text. Click ‘Done’ to check the entered data. If the entered data passes all of the rules, the remaining fields are calculated and the data is saved.
View Submission Status
To view the status of data entry you can click on the i icon next to the hospital name. From there you can ‘Download Submission Report’. You can also return to the Welcome Page and click on ‘Download Report’ for the hospitals that you have permission for.