The Joint Commission's XPath and Measure OIDs Document is being provided to assist software developers in understand where the DDS Platform is expecting data to exist within the QRDA I Document. There are three Tabs within the document. They are:
2023 2024 Release xPath tab - contains the xPath which is used to find or map the location of each element within a QRDA I document. The “Key Table” section at the bottom of this tab makes the mapping more readable, the Key Table provides the XPath for the corresponding sections. Replace {SectionName} with the Section xPath on the Key Table. Then parse the resulting path and return the data from the parameters given in the @ part.
msrcattyp tab - provides the crosswalk the eCQM measure results and the chart-abstracted measure category assignments.
MeasureID tab - provides the measure IDs and OIDs of the eCQMs supported by The Joint Commission for CY2023 CY2024 Reporting.
Inpatient Tab - provides the Inpatient OIDs
The Joint Commission’s Schematron Rules are being provided to assist software developers in understanding how the DDSP validates uploaded QRDA I documents. The zip file contains a ‘.sch' file and may be opened in Notepad or another application that is able to open this type of file.
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