Data Accuracy / Source Viewer Messages for Data Edits and Schematron Rules
Data Accuracy Messages
Encounter-Activity-TJC-dischargeDispositionCode-warnings (warning)
Event start date after the end date (error)
Event start date after the end date (warning)
Inpatient encounter outside of the reporting quarter (warning)
Inconsistent reporting of Inpatient Encounter (warning)
Duplicate Inpatient Encounter Detected (warning)
Incorrect CCN Reported (error)
Invalid DateTime (error/warning)
Invalid Patient ID (error)
Invalid QRDA XML file (error)
None of the measures supported by TJC (error)
Missing or Invalid Admission Date (error)
Missing or Invalid Discharge Date (error)
Missing or Invalid Header EffectiveTime (error)
No Discharge Date in Reporting Period (error)
pr-validate_TZ-errors (error)
QDM_based_QRDA_V7-TJC-errors (error)
A required Medication Route is missing (warning)
Unacceptable Unit Reported (warning)
pr-DOCUMENT-TJC-QDM-HEADER-warnings (warning)
pr-DOCUMENT-TJC-QRDA-HEADER-warnings (warning)
pr-DOCUMENT-TJC-US-HEADER-warnings (warning)
Reporting-Parameters-Act-TJC-errors (error)
pr-validate_effectiveTime-TJC-warnings (warning)