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Joint Commission Guide for Data Entry of Chart-Abstracted Measures for Assisted Living Community (ALC)
Applicable calendar years:
- Version 2023: 01-01-


23 (1Q2023) through 12-31-


23 (4Q2023)
- Version 2024: 01-01-


24 (1Q2024) through 12-31-


24 (4Q2024);


March 2024        
- Version 2025: 01-01-25 (1Q2025) through 12-31-25 (4Q2025); January 2025    


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Applicable to the following measures:  ALC-01, ALC-02, ALC-03, ALC-04

  • These measures are rate-based proportion measures that are not stratified.


Applicable to the following measures:  ALC-05

  •  ALCALC-05 is a rate-based proportion measures that is stratified.

  •  ALCALC-05 requires entry of separate data for ALC-05a and ALC-05b.

  • The DDSP calculates the Numerator for ALC-05 using the data entered by the HCO for Number of Staff Employed and Number of Direct Care Staff Employed. See below for more information.

Aggregate Data Element

Data Entry Information

ALC-05a: Number of Staff Employed

User enters data

ALC-05a:  Denominator

User enters data

  • Zero Denominator Attestation will be prompted at this point in data entry.

ALC-05a: Numerator

Calculated by DDSP

(Number of Staff EmployedDenominator)

ALC-05a: Observed Rate

Calculated by DDSP

[(Numerator / Denominator) *100]

ALC-05b: Number of Direct Care Staff Employed

User enters data

ALC-05b: Denominator

User enters data

  • Zero Denominator Attestation will be prompted at this point in data entry.

ALC-05b: Numerator

Calculated by DDSP

(Number of Direct Care Staff EmployedDenominator)

ALC-05b: Observed Rate

Calculated by DDSP

[(Numerator / Denominator) *100]
