DDSP Having Trouble Logging in to The Joint Commission Direct Data Submission Platform

The Joint Commission

DDSP Having Trouble Logging in to The Joint Commission Direct Data Submission Platform

The Joint Commission’s DDSP is the platform to submit ORYX performance measurement data for accredited organizations with ORYX Requirements.

The Joint Commission’s Joint Commission Connect site is for organization’s accreditation and certification related activity.

These are two separate sites for different purposes; Access to Joint Commission Connect is separate from access to the DDSP. Login and user information for one does not specifically allow access to the other.

In order to have access to the DDSP, users must first be invited to the platform via an email invitation. Organizations are responsible for managing all users access.

If you believe you should have access to the DDSP, please contact an individual within your organization with DDSP Security Administrative access for assistance, usually someone in the Quality Department, Informatics, or Data Analytics type departments.

If you have contacted the areas indicated above and still are not able to determine who your organization’s DDSP Security Administrator is, please contact HCOORYX@jointcommission.org. Be certain to provide your HCO ID number in the email subject line.

The initial DDSP invitation link to access the platform may only be used once. Once on the platform, users log in for all subsequent visits via the Joint Commission website “Login” icon and navigate to the DDSP option.

Your “DDSP Login” is the email address affiliated with the platform.

Verify the web address is jointcommission.org/login/

Screenshot image of the JointCommission.org website identify the location to log in tot he DDSP.
Screenshot of the DDSP Need login page emphasizing the Help Center content of Forgot Password, Login Help, and FAQ

To reset your password, follow the prompts on the DDSP Login page under “Help Center”

Be certain you are using a supported web browser, such as Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.

  1. Select “Forgot Password”

  2. Verify the web address is: ddsp.jointcommission.org/Identity/Account/ForgotPassword

  3. Enter your email address affiliated with the DDSP

  4. Enter the alpha/numerical security code provided on the “DDSP Forgot Password” screen into the field

  5. Click “Submit”

After you click the “Submit” button, you will be prompted with a second confirmation screen.

  1. Enter your email address affiliated with the DDSP

  2. Click the “Request Password Reset” button

If you are still experiencing issues resetting your password, please contact HCOORYX@jointcommission.org. In the email subject line, provide your HCO ID number and “DDSP Log in Issue”; in the email body include a description of the specific issue you are experiencing and screenshots if possible.

NOTE: Your IT may be modifying the text in the link.

You can “hover” your mouse over the embedded link in the invite or password reset emails to see if the text matches. In cases where your IT security has modified the link, users can instead copy & paste the text from your email into your web browser.

Please Note: Chart abstracted aggregate measure data for certification purposes are not entered on the DDSP; they are entered within the Certification Measurement Information Process (CMIP) application within JC Connect.


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