Accelerate PI propels meaningful, data-driven conversations about performance measures and quality improvement. The dashboards are a tool for both surveyors and HCOs alike in that they address unique but also overlapping needs to guide survey and quality improvement activities.
The dashboard report — which is posted in the "Resources and Tools" section of an accredited organization's secure Joint Commission Connect® extranet site — is representative of each organization's relative performance on each of the selected measures. |
The report is available for health care settings where available CMS performance measure data exists including:
Quality Measurement Trends and Benchmarks Reports contain aggregate data for each of the ORYX® measures in a program across all the health care organizations, regardless of whether an individual health care organization reports data for those measures. Depending on the data available, reports may contain data that spans over a calendar year or a rolling 12 month period. |
Yes - we provide a Dashboard User Guide. The User Guide increases awareness of the data contained in the dashboard reports and where to locate specific information, as well as enhances a health care organization’s ability to interpret the data contained in the dashboard reports to ultimately help organizations to improve quality and safety. |
You will need to request that a JC Connect administrator at your HCO grants you full access to the Oryx Performance Measure Dashboard Reports and Quality Reports. |
Accelerate PI™ Dashboard - ORYX reports - The data included in the reports will be refreshed based upon the Joint Commission hospital transmission schedule. Quarterly for chart-abstracted measures; annually for eCQMs. Quality Measurement Trends and Benchmarks Report - |
Benchmark data for eCQMs can be found within the Accelerate PI Dashboard Reports and Quality Measurement Trends and Benchmark reports. Both of these reports can be found within your organization's secure Joint Commission Connect site. Select "Accelerate PI" from the Resources and Tools menu. |
Currently we announce updated ORYX reports within Joint Commission Online Newsletter. We recommend signing up for this. Scroll to the bottom of the page to and click "sign up". |
Data provided in NCG files (National, State and Accredited compare groups) are included with the Accelerate PI® Dashboards available to HCOs via JC Connect>Resources and Tools. The data national rates for TJC measures include only TJC accredited organizations. |
Data provided in NCG files (National, State and Accredited compare groups) are included with the Accelerate PI® Dashboards available to HCOs via their organization’s Joint Commission Connect site under “Resources”. The “Trends and Benchmarks” report within the Accelerate PI® Dashboard contains very similar information as the NCG files. Contact the HCO you are supporting and request they provide a copy of this report to you. |
Please contact the Account Representative indicated within your Joint Commission Connect site for assistance. |