MFA is a separate third-party application “add on” managed by you as the end-user. Your organization may already have an MFA application they prefer to use, or you may need to download an MFA application and create an account to use specifically for the DDSP.

Following are three free options for MFA applications:

  1. Authy PLEASE NOTE: Twilio announced the Desktop version of the Authy application is meeting it's End of Live (EOL) on 3/19/2024.  You may continue to use Authy for Android or IOS after this date. Please work with your internal IT department if a desktop MFA application is needed.

  2. Google Authenticator (mobile phone)

  3. Microsoft Authenticator (mobile phone)

Any time an affiliated device changes (phone, phone number, laptop) the MFA will need to be reset. There are two options for resetting MFA provided below.

Resetting the MFA

Self Reset: If users know in advance they will have a new affiliated device (mobile phone or computer) they are able to reset their own MFA by logging into the DDSP with their existing device(s) and navigating to “User Settings” from the Home Page, and select “Manage Multi-factor Authentication”:

screenshot of the DDSP home page with table of contents, highlighting the User Settings and selection of Manage Multi-factor Authentication

Select “Reset your Authenticator keys”:

screenshot of DDSP MFA reset page, with text stating - You can reset you Multi-Factor Authentication by first disabling Multi-Factor Authentication and registering a new device. Once reset, you must register a new device to access the DDSP.

Users are prompted with a warning, indicating a new device and MFA account will need to be set up in order to access the DDSP in the future. Select “Reset your Authenticator key”:

screen shot of the DDSP MFA reset page with warning message - If you reset your authenticator key your authenticator app will not work until you reconfigure it.  This process disables Multi-Factor Authentication until you verify your authenticator app. If you do not complete your authenticator app configuration you may lose access to your account.

The next time the user logs in with their new device, they will be prompted with the set up screen for MFA, and should follow the prompts / refer to the help text for setting up MFA.

Assistance with MFA Reset: If users do not reset their own MFA in advance, and have a new affiliated device, email and we will reset it for you. Note requests for MFA reset require support staff to manually reset your account, and therefore can only be completed during regular Joint Commission business hours.