FAQs: Chart-Abstracted Measures

The Joint Commission

FAQs: Chart-Abstracted Measures

There are three Frequently Asked Questions pages for the DDSP.

  1. This page is a FAQ page pertaining to aggregate data submission for chart-abstracted measures and the Chart-Abstracted Measure module.

  2. Visit the eCQM FAQ for questions pertaining to the eCQM Submission module.

  3. Visit the General FAQ for questions which are general to the DDSP regardless of the type of data being submitted.

Open/close dates and deadlines are shown within the platform. We also provide a timeline document available in the ORYX FAQs and on the platform for additional information:


Open/close dates and deadlines are shown within the platform. Please see the timeline document available in the ORYX FAQs for additional information:

ORYX Performance Measurement Timeline


Reporting chart-abstracted performance measurement data is performed quarterly*:

  • 1Q (Jan, Feb, Mar) data are due by June 30

  • 2Q (Apr, May, Jun) data are due by September 30

  • 3Q (Jul, Aug, Sep) data are due by December 31

  • 4Q (Oct, Nov, Dec) data are due by March 31

*Refer to the measure requirements, as some measures are seasonal or all four quarters are submitted during the 4Q timeframe.

Chart-abstracted measures for accreditation purposes will be submitted:

  • as Aggregate Data (e.g., Initial Population, Sampling Frequency, Sample Size, Denominator, Numerator, Exclusions)

  • the data will be entered into data entry forms on the DDSP

    • while The Joint Commission no longer has contracts with ORYX vendors, organizations may use vendors / consultants to assist them in collecting and aggregating the patient data required by the measures at their discretion.

    • the Invite & Manage User functionality of the DDSP allows organizations to invite vendors / consultants to the DDSP specifically to assist them with their chart-based data submission.


The Joint Commission Guide for Data Entry of Chart-Abstracted Measures describes the aggregate data requirements for organizations submitting chart-abstracted accreditation measure data and is intended to assist health care organizations in their preparation for data entry into the DDSP.


The Specification Manuals still contain, among other items, information concerning the initial patient population, sampling requirements, measure information forms, measure algorithms, patient-level data elements, ICD and medication code tables.

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