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Short Demo (coming soon)for Chart-Abstracted Data Entry, Submission, and Status


Hospitals can attest to submitting two quarters of ePC measures (eCQMs) instead of four quarters of chart-abstracted PC measures for their Perinatal Care measures via the Chart-Abstracted Submission menu.

The Perinatal Care Attestationtopic provides additional information.


The Edit/ Submit buttons and statuses in the upper right corner of the screen are summarized below. Different messages and buttons appear as data is entered, checked for errors, and then saved and submitted.

  1. To add or change data, click on ‘Edit’.

  2. Changes detected and ‘Submit’ enabled. Click ‘Submit’ to save. If no errors, ‘Edit’ appears and data is saved, else ‘Month – Errors’ (in red text) will show on the top of the month that had error .

  3. Error found. Correct the errors click ‘Submit’ again. If data passes, ‘Edit’ reappears.

Note: This DDSP expects all 3 months of data to be entered before submitting, however, it is not required to enter all 3 months of data to allow for data saving. As long as there is one full month data submitted without errors, that month data will be saved. If you plan to submit only 1-2 months data, for remaining months (where data is not entered), you will see ‘This Field is Required.’ error and edit errors for all fields in missing month/s.


To view the status of data entry, login to the DDSP home page. Under the Chart-Abstracted Measure Submission Status section, you can click on the ‘Open’ button either from In Progress or Complete menu. You will get the list of HCOs and the ‘Download Submission Report’ button for each HCO. From there you can ‘Download Submission Report’ for the hospitals that you have permission for.


Continue to the next section: Chart-Abstracted Error Messages

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