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Effective July 1, 2024: Acute Care Hospitals and Critical Access Hospitals already required through a CMS program to participate in NHSN will be required to participate in The Joint Commission NHSN Group.


  • April 2024: Hospitals received a survey via e-mail to indicate their appointed
    NHSN facility administrator and provide contact information for that
    individual. The deadline to complete that survey was April 29,

  • May 2024: An e-mail with NHSN Group joining instructions was sent to the
    designated NHSN facility administrator; instructions also were posted
    on the hospital’s Joint Commission Connect extranet site or the ORYX
    Performance Measurement Resources page.

  • May–June 2024: Hospitals join the Joint Commission NHSN group and accept the
    Confer Rights Template.

  • July 1, 2024: Enrollment in the Joint Commission NHSN Group must be complete.


  • Improve timeliness of facility-level performance data available to hospitals and surveyors.

  • Provide Joint Commission facility-level performance data for use in the design and evaluation of improvement programs.

  • Minimize time and effort required to report data to The Joint Commission.


  • NHSN Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • Instructions for Joining The Joint Commission NHSN Group

NHSN Website:



NHSN Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


titleIf a hospital already belongs to NHSN does that meet the requirement?

Hospitals will also need to join The Joint Commission NHSN Group to share data. Information on the process to join The Joint Commission NSHN Group will be was distributed during late 2023 and early 2024. 

titleWhen and how do we join the NHSN Group for The Joint Commission?

In April 2024, The Joint Commission e-mailed the primary accreditation contact on file for the organization to determine the appropriate contact person to correspond with regarding the Joint Commission NHSN Group. After the contact was identified, detailed instructions for joining the Group will was provided via email, and onboarding took place May through June 2024.

titleHow do we confirm we have joined the Joint Commission NHSN Group - is there a letter?

After rights are conferred, users should see a confirmation stating “Conferred Rights saved successfully for group”. When the template is accepted, data sharing is complete. If additional action is needed, we will reach out to you directly with more information.

titleWho is the person that should join the NHSN group participation as I don't have access to NHSN data as its managed by the infection control dept.

The administrator of the NHSN group at your organization will be is the person that will join joins The Joint Commission NHSN Group. 


titleHow will we submit NHSN the DDSP portal?

Data will be entered directly into NHSN, and organizations will Organizations confer rights / give permission for The Joint Commission to access this datathe Hospital Associated Infection data they are already entering into NHSN. Organizations will not need to enter this data in the DDSP.  

titleWill the NHSN data be pulled out from the NHSN, or do we have to upload it manually to the DDPS DDSP site?

The Hospital Associated Infection data will be pulled from NHSN, and you will not need to upload it manually to the DDSP site. 


titleWhat measures will be included?

Starting Effective July 1, 2024, acute care hospitals and critical access hospitals will be are required to allow The Joint Commission to access deidentified data on five CDC NHSN hospital-associated infection (HAI) measures from the NHSN application. These measures are all currently included in the CMS Hospital Value-Based Purchasing (VBP) Program and the Hospital-Acquired Condition (HAC) Reduction Program.

  1. Catheter-associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI) Outcome Measure;

  2. Facility-wide Inpatient Hospital-onset Clostridium difficile Infection (CDI) Outcome Measure;

  3. Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infection (CLABSI) Outcome Measure;

  4. Colon and Abdominal Hysterectomy Surgical Site Infection (SSI) Outcome Measure; and

  5. Facility-wide Inpatient Hospital-onset Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) bacteremia Outcome Measure.

titleWhy is The Joint Commission implementing this requirement?

Preventing healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) is a priority for The Joint Commission. Despite being largely preventable, an estimated 633,300 patients contract HAIs each year, and they result in about 72,000 annual deaths and have an estimated direct medical cost of $28.4 billion per year. The HAI infection rate increased significantly between 2019 and 2021, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

We have prioritized the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) system as a data source to  evaluate to evaluate patient safety and clinical quality performance by Joint Commission-accredited hospitals. The majority of Joint Commission accredited hospitals already participate in NHSN as a requirement under CMS programs. There are several measures collected through NHSN applications that are currently included in the Accelerate PI dashboards. However, these data come from the publicly available CMS Compare website where the data can be 18-24 months old. Sharing NHSN data will allow us to include more recent data in Accelerate PI dashboards and identify quality improvement opportunities more efficiently

titleCan other organizations see our data, and do we include PHI?

Facilities participating in the group can not cannot see each other’s data. No PHI will be shared with Joint Commission.


titleWe are a Critical Access Hospital; are we required participate in The Joint Commission NHSN Group?

Participation in the Joint Commission NHSN Group is optional for CAHs. CAHs may participate in other programs for which they submit the HAI measures. For example, the HAI measures are optional in MBQIP, a CMS CAH quality improvement program.

CAHs are not required to report the IQR NHSN measures because they are not paid under the Inpatient Prospective Payment System.

titleOur organization is exempt from ORYX Requirements; do we have to participate in The Joint Commission Who is required to join the NHSN Group?

No; Exempt programs as indicated on the CY2024 ORYX Performance Measurement Requirements are currently excluded from NHSN participation requirement.

Per CMS' “Hospital-Acquired Condition Reduction Program Frequently Asked Questions Fiscal Year 2024” regarding program eligibility:

INCLUDESEffective July 1, 2024, joining the Joint Commission NHSN Group is mandatory for acute care hospitals with ORYX requirements who are also required to participate in NHSN for a CMS program.


  • General acute care hospitals paid under the Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS)


Effective July 1, 2024, joining the Joint Commission NHSN Group is optional for hospitals who are not required to participate in NHSN for a CMS program:


  • Critical access hospitals (CAH)

  • Military Treatment Facilities

  • Veterans Administration Hospitals

  • Free-standing Children’s Hospitals

  • Indian Health / Tribal Hospitals

Effective July 1, 2024, joining the Joint Commission NHSN Group does not apply to entities that are exempt from ORYX requirements:


  • Freestanding Psychiatric Hospitals

  • Rehabilitation hospitals and units

  • Long-term care hospitals (LTCH)

  • Psychiatric hospitals and units

  • Children’s hospitals

  • Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities (IRFs)

  • Long Term Acute Care Hospitals (LTACHs)

  • Prospective Payment System (PPS)-exempt cancer hospitals

  • Veterans Affairs hospitals

  • Short-term acute care hospitals in U.S. territories (American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands)

  • Religious nonmedical health care institutions


Instructions for Joining The Joint Commission NHSN Group

Instructions to join The Joint Commission’s Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
National Healthcare Safety Network (NSHN) Group

Additional information pending

The CDC provides a , including the group ID and joining password,
can be found within your organization's secure Joint Commission Connect® site. Continuous
Compliance>ORYX Performance Measurement Resources and Related Links>Instructions to Join
The Joint Commission NHSN Group


Please follow the instructions provided by the CDC guide on joining an NHSN Group, available via their website:
