The Joint Commission

12. NHSN Group for The Joint Commission

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Effective July 1, 2024: Acute Care Hospitals already required through a CMS program to participate in NHSN will be required to participate in The Joint Commission NHSN Group.


  • April 2024: Hospitals received a survey via e-mail to indicate their appointed
    NHSN facility administrator and provide contact information for that
    individual. The deadline to complete that survey was April 29,

  • May 2024: An e-mail with NHSN Group joining instructions was sent to the
    designated NHSN facility administrator; instructions also were posted
    on the hospital’s Joint Commission Connect extranet site or the ORYX
    Performance Measurement Resources page.

  • May–June 2024: Hospitals join the Joint Commission NHSN group and accept the
    Confer Rights Template.

  • July 1, 2024: Enrollment in the Joint Commission NHSN Group must be complete.


  • Improve timeliness of facility-level performance data available to hospitals and surveyors.

  • Provide Joint Commission facility-level performance data for use in the design and evaluation of improvement programs.

  • Minimize time and effort required to report data to The Joint Commission.

Topics Covered in this section:

  • NHSN Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • Instructions for Joining The Joint Commission NHSN Group

NHSN Website:

NHSN Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Organizations were notified of the requirement to join The Joint Commission NHSN Group via the CY2024 ORYX Performance Measurement Requirements on October 5, 2023, as well as the November 2023 Perspectives® Newsletter.

Hospitals will also need to join The Joint Commission NHSN Group to share data. Information on the process to join The Joint Commission NSHN Group was distributed late 2023 and early 2024. 

In April 2024, The Joint Commission e-mailed the primary accreditation contact on file for the organization to determine the appropriate contact person to correspond with regarding the Joint Commission NHSN Group. After the contact was identified, detailed instructions for joining the Group will was provided via email, and onboarding took place May through June 2024.

After rights are conferred, users should see a confirmation stating “Conferred Rights saved successfully for group”. When the template is accepted, data sharing is complete. If additional action is needed, we will reach out to you directly with more information.

The administrator of the NHSN group at your organization is the person that joins The Joint Commission NHSN Group. 


Instructions for Joining The Joint Commission NHSN Group

Instructions to join The Joint Commission’s Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
National Healthcare Safety Network (NSHN) Group, including the group ID and joining password,
can be found within your organization's secure Joint Commission Connect® site. Continuous
Compliance>ORYX Performance Measurement Resources and Related Links>Instructions to Join
The Joint Commission NHSN Group

JC Connect site indicating the continuous compliance tab and the ORYX Performance Measurement Resources and Related Links menu item.
The ORYX Performance Measurement Resources and Related Links page highlighting the Instructions to join the Joint Commission NHSN Group.

Please follow the instructions provided by the CDC guide on joining an NHSN Group, available via their website:

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