2. General ORYX Information--Basics

The Joint Commission

2. General ORYX Information--Basics

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Topics Covered in this section:

  • ORYX 101

  • ORYX Basics

  • The Joint Commission & CMS

  • Communications

  • Fees

  • Deadlines

What is ORYX?

ORYX is not an acronym; it’s The Joint Commission’s performance measurement and improvement initiative, which integrates outcomes and other performance measure data into the accreditation process.

The ORYX initiative became operational in March of 1999, when performance measurement systems began transmitting data to The Joint Commission on behalf of accredited hospitals. ORYX measurement requirements are intended to support Joint Commission accredited organizations in their quality improvement efforts.

ORYX 101

ORYX 101

VIDEO - ORYX 101: Performance Measurement (duration: 39:20 minutes)

Overview: 0:00 to 12:40
ORYX Requirements: 12:40 to 15:00
Where to find information: 15:00 to 27:50
Data Submission: 27:50 to 34:40
Resources: 34:40 to 39:20

By the end of this video, participants will:

  • Understand why performance measures are submitted

  • Learn where data comes from and how its used

  • Understand the annual ORYX Performance Measurement requirements for their organization

  • Locate and navigate to the various sites and resources related to ORYX Performance Measurement

  • Understand the process steps for chart-abstracted and eCQM data

  • Know where to ask questions on different topics




ORYX requirements are posted on the external Joint Commission website under both “Reporting” and “Resources”. Use the information (updated annually for the following calendar year - typically by mid-October) to determine the calendar year requirements & available measures are for your organization type, and/or review the list of organization types exempt from ORYX Requirements.

The Joint Commission website, measurement section, emphasizing the Reporting and Resources menu topics

Refer toDDSP General: Verifying Data Submission & ORYX Requirements for additional information on determining how your organizational requirements are applied to the Direct Data Submission Platform.

The Joint Commission’s ORYX initiative integrates performance measurement data into the accreditation process.  ORYX measurement requirements support Joint Commission accredited organizations in their quality improvement efforts.

The Joint Commission is more than just an accrediting body. We are actively engaged in helping organizations improve their patient safety and quality of care. As it relates to Performance Improvement, these quality and safety efforts are demonstrated by documenting elements of patient encounters, e.g. How long did it take for a patient with stroke symptoms to receive a head scan? How long did it take for a patient to arrive in the ED and be treated before being discharged or admitted?

Organizations document all aspects of the care provided by collecting data from those encounters.

Here’s an example: Pat the Patient arrives in the Emergency Department. Staff document the amount of time (in minutes) it takes from the time the physician decides to admit Pat into the hospital from the Emergency Department, until Pat leaves the Emergency Department to go to the inpatient unit.

Staff document this information in the medical record for all encounters that fit that criteria.

In our example, the median time for this to occur for a sampling of Emergency Department patients like Pat is 225 minutes over the course of the first quarter of the year.

MEASURE EXAMPLE - ED-2: Admit Decision Time to ED Departure Time for Admitted Patients: Reducing the time patients remain in the emergency department (ED) can improve access to treatment and increase quality of care. Reducing this time potentially improves access to care specific to the patient condition and increases the capability to provide additional treatment.

Performance Measurement data is submitted to The Joint Commission by all organizations with ORYX performance measurement requirements. The data is analyzed by statisticians at The Joint Commission and feedback is provided to facilities via Accelerate PI Dashboards within their Joint Commission Connect site.

For the organization, this information shows trends in the care provided on measures over time, as well as how the organization is performing compared to others. By providing feedback, organizations can identify opportunities to improve patient safety and quality of care.

For the Joint Commission, this information is used to generate national benchmarks and identify opportunities for improvement in clinical topic areas. In addition, this information is available to surveyors, so they may discuss Performance Improvement efforts your organization may enact as a result of seeing trends or spikes in patient quality of care and outcomes.

Organizations begin collecting ORYX Performance Measurement data the first calendar quarter following the receipt of their accreditation decision letter:

If the letter is received between 10/1 and 12/31, begin collecting 1Q data effective 1/1 patient discharges
If the letter is received between 1/1 and 3/31, begin collecting 2Q data effective 4/1 patient discharges
If the letter is received between 4/1 and 6/30, begin collecting 3Q data effective 7/1 patient discharges
If the letter is received between 7/1 and 9/30, begin collecting 4Q data effective 10/1 patient discharges

Note: Organizations are encouraged to keep up to date on any changes in the ORYX requirements by reviewing recent issues of The Joint Commission Perspectives® or by going to the “Measurement” section on The Joint Commission website: https://www.jointcommission.org/measurement/

As a condition of participation (APR.04.01.01) organizations collect performance measures to meet specified ORYX measure reporting requirements for accreditation. The Joint Commission’s ORYX initiative integrates performance measurement data into the accreditation process. ORYX measurement requirements support Joint Commission-accredited organizations in their quality improvement efforts.

Elements of performance:

  1. The organization collects measures relevant to their patient population to meet its current ORYX requirements.

  2. The organization discusses with the surveyor how the data are used to identify, prioritize, and monitor performance improvement activities.

  3. The organization uses each individual measure to identify patterns, trends, or variations for improvement opportunities.

  4. Based on Joint Commission statistical analysis, the organization continues to use a measure in performance improvement activities and determines if the data suggest an unstable pattern of performance or otherwise identify an opportunity for improvement.

  5. The organization resolves data quality issues for reported performance measures.
    For the most recent 12-month calendar reporting period, the organization achieves and sustains an acceptable level of performance, as defined by Joint Commission statistical analysis, for each measure before it discontinues its use in performance improvement activities.

  6. The organization ensures that organization-specific data for its performance measures are submitted to The Joint Commission, in accordance with timelines established by The Joint Commission.




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