7. Measure Specific FAQs

The Joint Commission

7. Measure Specific FAQs

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Topics Covered in this section:

  • Safe Use of Opioids – Concurrent Prescribing

  • Social Drivers of Health (SDOH)

Safe Use of Opioids – Concurrent Prescribing

For Joint Commission reporting purposes, the “Safe Use of Opioids - Concurrent Prescribing” measure is a required measure for Large Acute Care Hospitals. It remains optional for Small and Critical Access Hospitals.

The Safe Use of Opioids measure is submitted the same as any other eCQM, based on the calendar year requirements.

CMS eCQM specifications can be found on the CMS eCQI Resource Center website. The direct link to the Safe Use of Opioids - Concurrent Use measure is: https://ecqi.healthit.gov/ecqm/eh/2021/cms506v3

CMS eCQM specifications can be found on the CMS eCQI Resource Center website. The direct link to the Safe Use of Opioids - Concurrent Use measure is below.


Social Drivers of Health (SDOH)

For Joint Commission reporting purposes applicable, Screening for Social Drivers of Health (SDOH-1) and Screen Positive Rate for Social Drivers of Health (SDOH-2)are optional measures. Organizations may choose to submit neither, one, or both

The SDOH measures are submitted once annually.

The SDOH measures are chart-abstracted measures:

  • The SDOH measures are submitted annually in alignment with the 4Q CAM submission deadline.

  • SDOH data entry will open on 1/1 along with December data entry

  • SDOH data entry will close on 3/31 along with 4Q

The same measure specifications used for the CMS SDOH measures will be used for TJC collection. CMS chart-abstracted measure specifications can be found on the CMS Quality Net website. The direct link to the SDOH measures is below.


The Social Drivers of Health (SDOH) 1 and 2 measures specifications are maintained by CMS, regardless of whether or not you participate in CMS programs.

If your organization chooses to submit the measures to The Joint Commission, please refer to and follow the CMS guidance in the measure information form and frequently asked questions.

Measure specifications are available on the CMS website (included below). Please check the site periodically to assure you are referring to the most up to date information: QualityNet Home

Social Drivers of Health (SDOH)

The Screening for Social Drivers of Health measure assesses a hospital’s rate of screening for five health-related social needs: food insecurity, housing instability, transportation needs, utility difficulties and interpersonal safety. 

The Screen Positive Rate for Social Drivers of Health measure assesses the rate of positive screens for the same five health-related social needs. 

Screening for Social Drivers of Health Measure and the Screen Positive Rate for Social Drivers of Health Measure is available via CMS Quality Net:


Screening for Social Drivers of Health Measure and the Screen Positive Rate for Social Drivers of Health Measure is available via CMS Quality Net:


Frequently Asked Questions: Social Drivers of Health (SDOH) Measures s available via CMS Quality Net:


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