Short Demo for Logic Explorer in the DDSP (duration: 5:22 minutes) click the link or copy/paste the following text in your web browser:
The Joint Commission’s Direct Data Submission Platform (DDSP) provides HCO staff with a Logic Explorer to assist in researching and understanding how the patient data processed against the eCQM specifications.
How to Use:
On the right side of the Quality Improvement page, click on the magnifying glass next to the QRDA I document needing to be researched. The Source Viewer's "Logic Explorer" will automatically open.
To access the "Source Viewer", click on the 'Mode' drop-down box on the right-hand side of the box and select "Source Viewer". Note: To toggle back to "Logic Explorer", click on the 'Mode' drop-down box again and select "Logic Explorer".
You may receive the message “Alert: The Logic Explorer may not function properly because the QRDA has warnings.” If this is the case, and Logic Explorer is not working as expected for the QRDA I document, go back to the Data Accuracy page and review the warning messages that were generated for the document. If Logic Explorer is working as expected, then close this message box and continue working within Logic Explorer.
Using the Logic Explorer:
Once in the page, it will populate with:
On the upper side of the page, QRDA file description appear.
Reporting Quarter
Patient ID
Processing Date
On the left side of the screen there are controls that allow you to;
“Mode” allows you to select the Mode, and toggle back and forth between Logic Explorer and Source Viewer
“Select an Episode to Display” display the results of all episodes of care or just one episode of care at a time. If there are multiple episodes of care you likely will want to look at each one at a time.
On the lower right side of the page, the CQL logic with all the expanded definitions appear.
A Blue check mark means that the encounter met the definition of that portion of the measure.
A Red cross mark means that the encounter does not meet the definition of that portion of the measure.
Many of the blue check marks and red crosses can be clicked for more information. Below is an example of clicking on a blue check mark. In this case, the code that fit the required value set and the dates that fit the required timing are shown.
The next example below shows that definition “Intervention Comfort Measures” failed. We can see there was no “Intervention, Order” or “Intervention, Performed” with a code was in the “Comfort Measures” value set. If we click on the failing red cross, we are shown the codes that do exist in “Comfort Measures” value set.
The next example below shows that the definition “Encounter Less Than Two Days” failed but that a definition within it passed (TJC.”Ischemic Stroke Encounter”). If we click on the blue check mark then we can examine the encounter that met the TJC.”Ischemic Stroke Encounter” definition criteria. We see that the RelevantPeriod spans more than two days and therefor fails the next criteria of less than two days.
Next steps if an encounter definition is not passing the measure:
Review the conditions of the definition within the Source Viewer to determine if the file contains those conditions in order to trouble shoot and resolve the issue. This is where the “Mode” control is helpful, in order to toggle back and forth between Logic Explorer to see which definitions and conditions passed and why, and then back to Source Viewer to see the encounter data for the file.