The Joint Commission
eCQM Multi HCO Batch Upload
Short Demo for eCQM Multi-HCO Actions in the DDSP (duration: 7:06 minutes) click the link or copy/paste the following text in your web browser:
The 'Multi-HCO Actions' menu item is available to all users with access to multiple hospitals.
The DDSP provides users that have ‘Full Access’ permission to the eCQM Submission module of multiple hospital Workspaces the ability to batch the uploading of QRDA I Documents for all of their hospitals from one Upload page.
When selecting 'Multi-HCO Actions' from the menu, the 'View Status' and the 'Batch Upload' pages become available. The ‘View Status’ page automatically opens.
Note: If you do not see the Multi-HCO Actions in the left-hand menu and you believe you should have access to more than one hospital, contact an individual with Invite and Manage User permission for the hospital(s), as only they may invite you to the hospital's Workspace.
Click on the 'Batch Upload' tab to:
View previously loaded batches and details for each of those loads.
Create a new batch of QRDA I documents to upload.
Continue working on a batch that has been created, but not yet loaded to the relevant HCOs.
The content of the Batch Upload is user specific, i.e. each user only sees they batches they create.
How to Use:
HCO Permissions
On the right-side of the page, the number of hospitals to which you have access and the number of hospitals to which you have Upload permission is displayed.
Underneath this information, you can download the list (.csv or .xlsx) of all hospitals you have access to and what your permission is within each hospitals.
The hospital list contains the First Name, Last Name, Email, HCO ID, CCN, HCO Name, City, State, Invite and Manage Users permission, eCQM Upload and Purge, eCQM Submit and Withdraw, Chart Abstracted Data Entry
Note: If you believe you should have the Upload permission for hospital(s), contact an individual with Invite and Manage User permission for the hospital(s), as only they may change your permission within the hospital's Workspace. To be able to Upload eCQM data, you need your ‘eCQM Upload & Submit Data’ permission to be ‘Full Access’.
View Previously Loaded Batches
The Batch Upload table shows a list of all Batches that have been loaded as well as one that may have been created but not yet loaded. Only one batch may be created at a time. For each batch, the table shows:
Batch Name:
o This will either be the default name (BatchUpload[yyymmddhhss]) or the name you provided when creating the batch.
o If the batch has been loaded, then you can view a summary of the batch by clicking on the View Summary button
HCO Load Date:
o This is the date the batch was loaded to the relevant HCOs.
o Batches that have been created but not yet loaded are indicated by the value of "Not Loaded into HCOs" in the HCO Load Date column.
Batch Contents:
o If the batch has been loaded, you can see
the number of documents that were loaded
the number of HCOs the documents were loaded into.
the number of documents that could not be loaded
details of the batch by using the Download Batch Details link. For each document in the batch, you will see:
§ The zip it belonged to
§ The name of the document, and if relevant, the folder in the zip it was stored in.
§ The Patient ID associated to the QRDA Document
§ An error message, is applicable, explaining why the document could not loaded.
* "CCN unmappable to any of your HCOs" - CCN is missing; CCN matches no HCO; CCN matches an HCO but you do not have access to it.
* "Unable to parse document" - there are issues reading the file
§ The HCO ID associated with the document
§ The HCO Name associated with the document
§ The CCN associated with the document
§ The name, city and state of the HCO, if applicable that it was loaded to
The View Summary button shows you details for a previously loaded batch. In addition to the information you were able to see on the Batch Upload screen, you can view details for each zip in the batch:
The batch name and batch details.
The name of each zip in the batch.
When the zips were added to the batch.
How many documents from the zip were loaded.
How many HCOs were impacted.
Create a New Batch
To create a new batch, use the button. After selecting a zip containing your documents, you will be navigated to the "Batch Upload - Edit" page. Here you are able to:
Rename the batch. This is the name the HCOs will see in their individual workspaces after you load the batch.
Delete the batch. This will remove the entire batch and it will not be loaded.
Remove a zip: Removes the related zip from the batch.
Add Attachments (Acceptable file format is .zip or .xml): Allows you to add one or more zips to the batch.
Continue later: Returns you to the Batch Upload page
Load into HCOs: Initiates the process to load the documents to the relevant HCOs. You will be prompted to confirm the action.
For each zip added to the batch, you can view:
File: The name of the zip file
Date added: The date and time the zip was added to the batch
o the number of documents that will be loaded
o the number of HCOs the documents will be loaded into.
o the number of documents that cannot be loaded
o details of the documents that will be loaded. Using the associated Download Document List link, you will see the following for each document:
§ The zip it belonged to
§ The name of the document, and if relevant, the folder in the zip it was stored in.
§ The Patient ID associated to the QRDA Document
§ The HCO ID associated with the document
§ The HCO Name associated with the document
§ The CCN associated with the document
§ The name, city and state of the HCO, if applicable that it was loaded to
o details of the documents that will not be loaded. Using the associated Download Errors List link, you will see the following for each document:
§ The zip it belonged to
§ The name of the document, and if relevant, the folder in the zip it was stored in.
§ An error message explaining why the document could not loaded.
* "CCN unmappable to any of your HCOs" - CCN is missing; CCN matches no HCO; CCN matches an HCO but you do not have access to it.
* "Unable to parse document" - there are issues reading the file
* "HCO is submitted" - the HCO the document should be loaded to, has already submitted their data.
Continue Working on a Batch
Only one batch that has yet to be loaded to HCOs, may exist at a time. To continue editing the batch, use the button. This will navigate you to the "Batch Upload - Edit" page.
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