eCQM Multi HCO View Status

The Joint Commission

eCQM Multi HCO View Status

Short Demo: for eCQM Multi-HCO Actions (duration: 7:06 minutes) click the link or copy/paste the following text in your web browser: https://player.vimeo.com/video/1045057053?h=5e59a3ff50&badge=0&autopause=0&player_id=0&app_id=58479


The 'Multi-HCO Actions' menu item is available to all DDSP Users that have access to the eCQM Submission module for two or more HCOs.

The ‘Multi-HCO View Status’ page provides a view of all the user' organization's in one location.

When selecting 'Multi-HCO Actions' from the menu, the 'View Status' and the 'Batch Upload' pages become available.  The ‘View Status’ page automatically opens.

Note:  If you do not see the Multi-HCO Actions in the left-hand menu and you believe you should have access to more than one hospital, contact an individual with Invite and Manage User permission for the hospital(s), as only they may invite you to the hospital's Workspace.

How to Use: 

Download HCO eCQM Permission List

On the right-side of the page, the number of hospitals to which you have access and the number of hospitals for which you can Upload data are displayed.

Click the Download HCO eCQM Permission List link to view a page listing the user’s permissions for each HCO.

  • The hospital list contains the First Name, Last Name, Email, HCO ID, HCO Name, City, State, CCN, Invite and Manage Users permission including eCQM Upload/Purge and eCQM Submit/Withdraw permissions, Chart Abstracted Data Entry

  • Each of the permission columns contain either a ‘None’, ‘View Only’, or ‘Full Access’ depending on the permission granted you.

You can download the eCQM Permission List as either an Excel or .csv file.

Note:  If you believe you should be able to ‘Upload/Purge’ or ‘Submit/Withdraw’ eCQM data for hospital(s) not on your list, contact an individual with Invite and Manage User permission for the hospital(s), as only they may change your permission within the hospital's Workspace.

Multi-HCO Submission Status Counts

The ‘Multi-HCO Submission Status’ section of the page contains counts the number of hospitals you have permission to access.  In addition, a summary of the status of those hospitals.

Multi-HCO Submission Status Definitions:

Total HCOs – The count of hospitals you have permission to access.

The following Submission Status counts are related to the hospitals depicted in the Total HCOs count above:

  • Total Submitted – hospitals that have Submitted their data to The Joint Commission.

  • Total Not Submitted – hospitals that have Not Submitted their data.

    • Hospitals in this status may or may not have uploaded their data.  If they have Uploaded their data, they have not yet submitted it.

  • Total Withdrawn – hospitals that are in the Withdrawn status. 

    • Hospitals in this status have submitted their data and subsequently withdrew it, presumably to upload corrected or additional data.  These hospitals need to resubmit their data.

In the below example, the user has access to three hospitals.  One of those hospitals has submitted their data, two have not submitted their data, and none have submitted and subsequently withdrawn their submission.

Hospital List screen print


DDSP home page showing multi-hco view with sites shown in various status with option to open to view applicable hcos within designation.


Note:  If you believe you should have hospitals that are not in this list, contact an individual with Invite and Manage User permission for the hospital(s), as only they may invite you to the hospital's Workspace. To be able to see a hospital on your eCQM list, you need your ‘eCQM Upload & Submit Data’ permission to be either ‘Full Access’ or ‘View Only’.

Filters: To further filter the HCO data

  • The Filters are for HCO ID, HCO Search (Name, City, State, CCN), Submission Status, and Measures.

o    HCO ID, Submission Status and Select Measures boxes: By default, these 3 boxes are set to “All”.

o    HCO Search filter functionality

§  If the user only enters two uppercase letters, the search will be for only State.

§  If the user enters anything other than just two uppercase letters, then the search will occur within all of the fields (name, city, state, and CCN).

o    “Filter” button: To Filter the results by search criteria.

o    “Clear Filter” button: To clear filter results

o    Text above the Filter / Clear buttons that reads: Filters are initially set to retrieve all HCOs.  After modifying the Filters, use Clear Filter to retrieve all HCOs again.

  • Underneath the Filters section, HCOs results are displayed in the table format.

  • You can download the list of HCOs results in the Excel by clicking on Download the Excel button.

The left-side of the hospital list displays the hospitals that the user has access to and each hospital's Submission Status.

  • The HCO IDs are links and when clicked will take you to that hospital's Home Page.

The right-side of the hospital list displays the hospital's current submission status; and the eCQM(s)/quarter(s) and the quarterly Observation Rate / Observation Value for which data has been either Uploaded or Submitted.

Submission Status:

  • "Unsubmitted" - Data has not been submitted for this hospital. Data may or may not have been uploaded.

  • "Submitted" - Data has been submitted for this hospital.

  • "Withdrawn" - Data has been submitted and subsequently withdrawn. Data may or may not have also been purged.

  • "No Files Uploaded" - Data has not been uploaded for this hospital.

eCQM(s) / quarters data:

  • The list of eCQMs (the columns in the table) is dynamic and based upon the data that has been uploaded across all the HCOs the user has access to. 

o   When no data has been uploaded or when data is purged for all the HCOs, no eCQMs will be listed.

  • A row for all four quarters is displayed per hospital, regardless of whether data has been uploaded.

  • If no data has been uploaded for a given eCQM and quarter for an HCO:

o   A single dash (-) is used to depict that no data has been uploaded.

  • If data has been uploaded (and not purged) for a given eCQM and quarter for an HCO:

o   The quarterly Observed Rate or Observation Value is displayed.

o   A colored cell with a single dash is used to depict that data has been uploaded for the eCQM, but no cases are in the denominator.

The eCQMs that were selected and submitted are suffixed with an asterisk ( * ) and value shown in bold text. 

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