eCQM Source Viewer

The Joint Commission

eCQM Source Viewer

Short Demo for eCQM Data Accuracy and Source Viewer (duration: 13:37 minutes)

Select the embedded link: eCQM Data Accuracy & Source Viewer or copy/paste the URL text into your web browser: URL: https://player.vimeo.com/video/1030784559?h=8665e5a176&badge=0&autopause=0&player_id=0&app_id=58479


The Joint Commission’s Direct Data Submission (DDS) Platform provides HCO staff with a Source Viewer to assist in researching and understanding the following related to an uploaded QRDA I document:

  • any Schematron errors or warnings generated by the document,

  • any Edit errors or warnings generated by the document,

  • the XML file structure of the QRDA I document,

  • the patient data contained within the document, and

  • how the patient data processed against the eCQM specifications.

The Source Viewer is available in Upload Summary, Data Accuracy and Quality Improvement pages. 

Logic Explorer

When accessing the Source Viewer from the Quality Improvement page, the Logic Explorer is also available.   To go to Source Viewer, click on the 'Mode' drop-down box and select "Source Viewer".

Source Viewer page when accessed from the Quality Improvement page

Source Viewer:

The ‘Style Sheet View’ will automatically open when entering the Source Viewer.  You can change to a different View by clicking the appropriate View in the left-hand drop-down menu.  The drop-down menu will provide the appropriate Views for the QRDA I document / patient being researched.

Accessing Style Sheet View in Source Viewer page.  Style Sheet View displays the human readable presentation of the patient data contained within the QRDA I document


Many Views provide a left-hand sub-menu to assist in moving to different locations within the QRDA I document being displayed on the right side of the screen.

Style Sheet View

The ‘Style Sheet View’ above utilizes a stylesheet developed by Joint Commission staff to provide a human readable presentation of the patient data contained within the QRDA I document. 

It is expected that all HCO staff will be able to utilize this View when researching questions related to the XML structure of the QRDA I document and how the patient processed against the eCQM specifications.

The human readable presentation includes:

  • Patient, CMS CCN, and Joint Commission HCO IDs 

  • Measure section, containing eCQM information added to the QRDA I document by the software which generated the document 

  • Reporting Parameter section, containing the calendar quarter for which the patient is being reported 

  • Patient data required by the eCQMs, including patient demographics such as Gender and Birth DateTime along with data for each of the patient’s encounters which occurred during the reporting period


Data Measure and XML View

It is expected that information technology staff or staff familiar with HL7 standards, especially QRDA I, will be able to utilize these Views to research questions related to issues with the XML structure of the QRDA I document.  Staff will need an understanding of the HL7 QRDA I standard.

The two Views provide different ways to research issues with the QRDA I documents.

  • Data Measure View provides access to the QRDA Section and Entry Level templates. For example:  Diagnosis, Device order, Encounter Performed, Procedure Performed, Medication Administered, and Reporting Parameters. 

  • Clicking on a QRDA Section or Entry Level template in the sub-menu takes the user to that section of the XML in the right-hand view of the QRDA I document.

    • If the document contains multiple occurrences, you are taken to the first occurrence. Click through the other occurrences using the ‘Prev’ and ‘Next’ buttons that appear under the Entry Level Template in the sub-menu.

Data Measure view:

Data Measure View within Source Viewer page displays the QRDA Sections and Entry Level templates in the QRDA 1 document
Data Measure View Click on the Next button to move to the next occurrence of the template

Note: XML view does not provide the Header-Level Templates contained within the QRDA I document. Use the Style Sheet view to see the Patient, CCN and HCO IDs within the document.

  • XML View provides access to all of the XML contained within the QRDA I document

  • Sometimes the issue with a document is that it is not a properly formatted QRDA I document or it is not formatted to the version of the QRDA I Implementation Guide that is being used by CMS and The Joint Commission for this year's data.  When this occurs, the only way to debug the issue is to look at the raw XML contained within the document.


 XML view:

XML view within Source Viewer page displays the QRDA 1 document in XML format


Note: If the XML is on one line and requires you to scroll to the right, the QRDA I document was not formatted in a manner which allows easy reading.  However, it still can be useful depending on your needs and how you use it.

Error and Warning Views

These four Views provide access to the areas within the QRDA I document which generated error(s) and/or warning(s).  These Views are only available in the left-hand menu if the DDS Platform generated an error and/or warning for the document.

It is expected that information technology staff or staff familiar with HL7 standards, especially QRDA I, will be able to utilize these Views to research questions related to errors and/or warnings.  Staff will also need an understanding of the appropriate version of the HL7 standard Health Quality Measure Format (HQMF) and how eCQMs specified using this standard process the data contained within the QRDA I file.

  • Click the appropriate View in the left-hand drop-down menu. These Views are:

    • Schematron Errors

    • Schematron Warnings

    • Edit Errors

    • Edit Warnings

  • The left-hand sub-menu provides the list of associated error or warning messages for the QRDA I document.

  • Clicking on an error or warning in the sub-menu takes the user to that section of the XML in the right-hand view of the QRDA I document.

  • If the document contains multiple occurrences, you are taken to the first occurrence. Click through the other occurrences using the ‘Prev’ and ‘Next’ buttons that appear under the error or warning in the sub-menu.

QRDA 1 Errors Warnings in Style Sheet View page displays the errors and warnings

Important Information:

These Views do not aid with the debugging of extreme XML structure QRDA I document errors.  In these cases, utilize the error message provided on the Data Accuracy screen for debugging purposes.  For example:

  • They are not available for invalid XML documents (e.g., a Word document).

  • Not all Views are available for valid XML documents which contain major structural issue such as a document failing XSD (XML Schema Definition)

The Data Measure View and Error and Warning Views highlight the XML structure within the QRDA I document associated to the selected left-hand sub-menu item.

  • Yellow Highlighted Text – Clicking on a left-hand sub-menu item causes the section of the QRDA I document associated to that item to be highlighted in yellow. This text may be the entire portion of the QRDA I document in question or just the beginning of the area in question. 

  • Blue Highlighted Text – All vocabulary codes in the QRDA I document are highlighted blue.

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