The Joint Commission
eCQM Upload Data Summary
Short Demo for Upload Data and Upload Summary in the DDSP (duration: 11:00 minutes) click the link or copy/paste the following text in your web browser:
When selecting 'Upload Data' from the menu, the 'Upload Data' and the 'Upload Summary' pages become available. The 'Upload Data' page automatically opens.
Click on the 'Upload Summary' tab to see the full list of individual QRDA I files and zip files that have been uploaded. In addition, the page contains a summary for all uploaded files and, for each zip:
the total number of QRDA I documents included within the zip,
the number of Accepted and Rejected documents, and
the last date/time that the last QRDA I document within the zip file was processed.
Tip - Results will appear after data is loaded and processed.
The Upload Data page may show that the individual QRDA I files and zip files have been uploaded to the DDS Platform; however, the Upload Data Summary page may display the message "Results will appear after data is loaded and processed".
Confirm that the uploaded individual QRDA I files and zip file did not generate any high-level platform errors by reviewing the ‘View Details’ on the Upload Data page.
If no high-level errors were generated by the file, then your individual QRDA I files and zip file is in the queue for processing against the schematron, edits, and eCQM logic.
The processing turnaround time is dependent upon how many other files (including from other organizations) are waiting in the queue for processing.
If you continue to receive this message after 24 hours, please create a DDS Platform Support Ticket by clicking on the 'Need Help?' link in the upper right-hand corner of the page.
How to Use:
Upload Summary (top of page):
Contains counts for each individual QRDA I file and zip file that has been uploaded and the number of QRDA I documents are contained within the zip files.
Upload Summary Definitions:
Overall counts for all uploaded individual QRDA I files and zip files:
Uploads – The count of all individual QRDA I files and zip files that have been uploaded.
Total Documents – The count of all QRDA I documents contained within the uploaded individual QRDA I files and zip files.
List of Zip Files and Individual QRDA I document (below Upload Summary):
Below the Upload Summary is a list of all individual QRDA I files and zip files that have been uploaded.
The counts of Total Documents, Accepted Documents, and Rejected Documents is provided for each uploaded individual QRDA I files and zip file. In addition, the timestamp of when the last document within the zip file was processed is displayed.
When clicking on a zip file:
the Total Document section on the right-side of the page will change to display only those QRDA I documents contained within that zip file, and
the data in the “Upload Summary” section will change to only show counts relevant to the selected zip file.
List of Zip Files Definitions:
For each zip file:
Total Documents – The count of documents contained within the zip file.
Accepted Documents – The count of all unique QRDA I documents that have passed the Schematron and Edit rules without generating an error. These documents may have generated a warning message. They have been evaluated by the eCQMs and can be submitted to The Joint Commission.
It is encouraged that the Data Accuracy page be reviewed and any Warning messages are addressed when possible, as they may point towards potential incorrect eCQM evaluations. However, QRDA I documents with Warning messages may be submitted to The Joint Commission.
Rejected Documents – The count of all unique QRDA I documents that generated at least one Schematron and/or Edit rule error that caused the document to be rejected.
Review the Data Accuracy page to identify the reason why these documents were rejected. Rejected documents cannot be submitted to The Joint Commission.
Total Documents (right side of screen)
Contains a list of all QRDA I Documents that have been uploaded.
Initially, this section will list all QRDA I documents that have been uploaded within all zip files.
By clicking on a specific zip file in the file list, you can view those documents contained within the specific zip.
Clicking on ‘Clear Selection’ will bring the page back to its original display of showing all zip files and QRDA I documents that have been uploaded.
Clicking on the ‘Magnifying Glass’ next to a QRDA I document will launch the Source Viewer that provides a view of the patient data contained within the document.
Export Total Documents (button on right side of screen)
Clicking on the Export Total Documents button will display a page listing the QRDA I documents currently visible in the Total Documents section.
Scroll down to review the documents or click the Export to Excel button to download the data within an Excel file (xlsx).
The screen and Excel file contain the following information:
Zip Name
Batch ID (this is the internal DDSP ID, please provide this when requesting Support)
QRDA I Document Name
Patient ID
Transmission Time
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