•(Large) Acute Care Hospitals are defined as having Licensed Beds >= 26 OR Outpatient Visits >= 50,000
•(Small) Acute Care Hospitals are defined as having Licensed Beds <26 AND Outpatient Visits < 50,000
•Critical Access Hospital (CAH) Accreditation Program reporting requirements are not defined by Licensed Beds / Outpatient Visits, and are not required to submit perinatal care measures regardless of if they have an obstetrical unit - but may do so if they choose
•Freestanding Psychiatric Facility reporting requirements are not defined by Licensed Beds / Outpatient Visits and are required to submit chart-abstracted HBIPS measures plus one additional self-selected measure
•The Specialty Hospital designation was removed effective CY2021; all hospitals previously designated as "Specialty" for ORYX reporting purposes were placed in the appropriate ORYX policy based upon Licensed Beds and/or Outpatient Visits.
Refer to the annual reporting requirements and list of available measures applicable to each setting/service on the Measurement > Reporting part of our external website or copy and paste the following web address in your internet browser: https://www.jointcommission.org/measurement/reporting/accreditation-oryx/