Chart-Abstracted Data Entry and Submission

The Joint Commission

Chart-Abstracted Data Entry and Submission

Short Demo for Chart-Abstracted Data Entry, Submission, and Status (duration: 18:26 minutes)
Select the embedded link:Oryx Chart-Abstracted Measure Module Demo or copy/paste the URL text into your web browser: https://player.vimeo.com/video/1017960852?h=90c01f80d1&badge=0&autopause=0&player_id=0&app_id=58479

Table of Contents:

  • Purpose

  • Reference Material

  • Aggregate Data Entry

  • How to Use

    • Accessing the data entry tool

    • Chart-Abstracted Measure Submission’ data entry tool

    • Switch HCO or measure

    • Select a quarter

    • View and Edit data

    • Error Messages

    • Zero attestation of the Initial Population or Denominator

    • View Submission Status


When selecting ‘Chart-Abstracted Measure Submission' from the menu, the ‘Chart-Abstracted Measure Submission’ page becomes available displaying the list of chart-abstracted measures. Access to the 'Chart-Abstracted Measure Submission’ data entry tool for each measure is available from this page.

The Chart-Abstracted Measure Submission data entry tool is for entering aggregate Chart-Abstracted data. This page describes how to:

  • determine if you have permission to enter data in the tool

  • navigate within the tool, switch between HCOs, measures, quarters

  • check data submission

Reference Material

The Joint Commission Guide for Data Entry of Chart-Abstracted Measures defines the aggregate chart-abstracted accreditation measure data to be entered into the DDSP data entry tool. It is available within these help topics (quick link: https://jointcommission-ddsp.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DCS/pages/112001025), with an external link also posted on The Joint Commission Website.

The Specification Manuals contain the measure algorithm flows and data element definitions and describe the chart-abstracted measures and data. . These aid in understanding the measures and the data that is aggregated and then entered into the Chart-Abstracted Measure module on the DDSP.


Image of the DDSP chart-abstracted measure submission module measure page, emphasizing the 'i' icon and help text that appears when hovering a mouse over the icon.

Within the data entry tool, information icons provide information about each data field. When users hover the cursor over the information icon, it provides information such as the definition of the data that has been abstracted and aggregated.

Aggregate Data Entry

HCOs aggregate and report monthly data points on chart-abstracted measures on a quarterly basis using the DDS Platform.  Effective CY2020, no patient level data is submitted.

It is expected that organizations will ensure the accuracy and completeness of their patient-level data they’ve processed through each measure’s algorithm and will validate that the derived aggregated data represents the care actually provided.

The DDSP will validate the entered aggregate data by performing consistency and edit checks to assure the integrity of the submitted aggregate data.

Hospitals can attest to submitting ePC measures (eCQMs) instead of chart-abstracted Perinatal Care (PC) measures via the Chart-Abstracted Submission menu.

The Perinatal Care Attestation topic provides additional information.

How to Use   

Accessing the data entry tool

The Measure Selection list shows the measures. For each measure, the list shows whether it is required or not available for data entry, shows each measure’s completion status by quarter and an open button. In addition, the list shows which quarters are open for data entry and, for those open, what each quarter’s submission deadline (close date) is.

Open a measure by clicking the ‘Open’ button in the Measure List on the right. This opens the data entry tool for the selected measure.

Image of the DDSP chart-abstracted module, emphasizing the chart-abstracted measure submission menu item within the left-hand table of contents,  and an indicator on the 'Open' button within the measure list.

Chart-Abstracted Measure Submission’ data entry tool

Data may be changed up until the close of the quarter.

Switch HCO

Users with access to multiple HCOs can Switch to another site from the top of the measure data entry screen via the “Switch HCO” dropdown list at the top middle of the page:

  • The HCO and a dropdown HCO selection list (to switch HCOs) is in the top middle section of the page.

  • If you do not have access to more than one HCO, you will not have a “Switch HCO” button.

Switch Measure

There are two ways to switch to a different measure from within the chart-abstracted measure submission page. In the upper right of the module, below the Need Help? button, select either ‘Return to Measure List’ or choose a different measure from the drop down list box next to it.

Select a quarter

If a measure is not available for certain quarters then no form will be available. An example of this is the seasonal measure IMM-2 which does not allow data for quarters 2 and 3.

Quarters are displayed in tabs above the data fields. When a new data submission period starts, the First Quarter tab is automatically selected. If a quarter is open, its status will be ‘Closes mm/dd/yyyy’. Data incorrectly entered or omitted may be resubmitted within a specific timeframe. If Resubmission is available, the tab will show ‘Resubmission Ends on mm/dd/yyyy’. Otherwise, it is ‘Closed’ or ‘Not Yet Open’. Click on the quarter tab to view or change its data.


Select a quarter by clicking one of the quarter tabs.

View and Edit data

In order for data to be entered and saved, at least one entire month of data must be entered.

The Edit/ Submit buttons and statuses in the upper right corner of the screen are summarized below. Different messages and buttons appear as data is entered, checked for errors, and then saved and submitted.

  1. To add or change data, click on ‘Edit’.

  2. Click on the toggle button 'Enable to submit data” for each month.

  3. Enter data. Click ‘Submit’ to save. If no errors, ‘Edit’ appears and data is saved, else ‘Month – Errors’ (in red text) will show on the top of the month that had error .

  4. Error found. Correct the errors click ‘Submit’ again. If data passes, ‘Edit’ reappears.

Note: In order for the platform to save entered data, all applicable fields for a month must be entered without errors. All three months of data must be entered and submitted by the data submission deadline for it to be considered “submitted” for the quarter.

Users may edit entered and saved numeric data anytime prior to the close of quarter. They may resubmit incorrectly entered/omitted data within the resubmission timeframe.

Error Messages