DDSP General: Perinatal Care Attestation on the Direct Data Submission Platform

The Joint Commission

DDSP General: Perinatal Care Attestation on the Direct Data Submission Platform

Short Demo for PC Attestation (duration: 8:34 minutes)

What’s in this section:

  • General Information about Perinatal Care Attestation

  • Examples

  • How to Attest

General Information

For CY2024: Hospitals can attest to submitting FOUR quarters of ePC-06 measure (eCQM) instead of four quarters of chart-abstracted PC-06 measures for their Perinatal Care measures via the Chart-Abstracted Submission menu.

NOTE: This is a one for one replacement:

Correct submit ePC-06 instead of PC-06

Not Correct: submit ePC-02 instead of PC-06

  • If an organization is uncertain the eCQM data can be submitted (e.g., ePC-06), we strongly suggest the chart-abstracted data is entered until it is certain the eCQM data can be successfully submitted.

  • A PC measure submitted as a chart-abstracted measure for all 4 quarters, may also be submitted as an eCQM.

  • If applicable, every ePC eCQM submitted for counts towards both an organization's PC requirement and eCQM requirement.

  • Organizations should begin submitting chart-abstracted PC-06 for 1Q and subsequent quarters if they are uncertain they can submit ePC-06 (eCQM) - see examples below.

REMINDER: In order to meet chart-abstracted measure requirements, data is submitted for four quarters. Submitting less than four quarters of an eCQM does not meet the requirement.

Correct: submit PC-06 as a chart abstracted measure for 1Q, 2Q, then switch to eCQMs and submit ePC-06 data for four quarters

Not Correct: submit PC-06 as a chart abstracted measure for 1Q, 2Q, then switch to eCQM and submit quarters 3Q and 4Q


  1. HCO submits all 4 quarters of chart-abstracted PC-06 and ePC-02 and ePC-07

    1. The Perinatal Care requirement is met by submitting four quarters of chart-abstracted PC-06, plus four quarters of ePC-02, and ePC-07 eCQM data.

  2. HCO submits first quarter of chart-abstracted PC-06 measure, then switches to submitting all four quarters of ePC-06 as an eCQM instead

    1. The Perinatal Care requirement is met by submitting four quarters of ePC-06, ePC-02, and ePC-07 eCQM data.

    2. HCO receives feedback on both chart-abstracted data submitted for the first quarter, and eCQM data submitted.

  3. HCO does not submit chart-abstracted PC-06 measures during 1Q

    1. The HCO is required to submit eCQM ePC-06 data in order to meet the PC requirement, in addition to ePC-02 and ePC-07 for the entire calendar year.

  • Click on the open button for the Perinatal Care measure for which you wish to attest to submit via eCQM.

  • Select the toggle on the right-hand side, “Attest to submit via eCQM”. By clicking on that toggle, you are attesting that you will be submitting this measure as eCQM data instead of aggregate chart-abstracted data. 

Screenshot image of the Joint Commission DDSP chart-abstracted measure submission page indicating where to attest to submit PC measures via eCQM.
  • This attestation begins with the currently open quarters for which aggregate data has not already been submitted, as well as applying to future quarters of the specified measure.

  • Aggregate data which has already been submitted, including the open quarters, will continue to be used by The Joint Commission.

  • If aggregate data has been entered into open quarters, you may delete it prior to attesting to submitting eCQM data.  However, if data was entered for closed quarters, that data may not be deleted because it was already used in Joint Commission analysis.

  • After clicking the attest toggle, you will see the following message under the quarter tabs: “By clicking this link, you are agreeing that you will be submitting the required information via the eCQM Submission process. Are you sure you want to continue?”

    Screenshot image of the Joint Commission DDSP PC attestation confirmation window.
  • If you return to the Measure List page, this chart-abstracted measure will now be shown as complete for all open quarters.

  • Note that while “Attest to submit via eCQM” is selected, you cannot change or remove already entered Chart-Abstracted data for that measure.

  • If you previously selected “Attest to submit via eCQM” but now wish to enter chart-abstracted data instead for an open quarter, simply click on the toggle to turn the attestation selection off.  This will allow you to enter chart-abstracted data for each open quarter.

  • When “Attest to Submit via eCQM” is selected, the chart-abstracted data may no longer be changed. The data are visible within the Chart-Abstracted module as a reference for what was or will be submitted. This action applies to all open and future quarters."

  • If all four quarters of a measure have been entered as chart-abstracted data, attestation for that measure is not allowed. Organizations can opt to:

    • Leave the attestation button set to “Off” and submit both chart-abstracted and eCQM data for the measure; feedback on all entered/submitted data will be provided.

    • Clear all quarters of chart-abstracted data for the measure, then attest to submit the measure as an eCQM (if applicable to the organization requirements).

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