DDSP General: Platform Navigation

The Joint Commission

DDSP General: Platform Navigation

Platform Navigation

DDS Platform Overview (22:48 minutes)
Select the embedded link: DDSP Platform Overview or copy/paste the URL text into your web browser: https://player.vimeo.com/progressive_redirect/playback/1007043289/rendition/1080p/file.mp4?loc=external&signature=879658c67c7527d40e490d3aeb84509610ed63c29d7f65aac9ac3056695b1859

Topics Covered in this section:

  • An Index Overview of the platform and various functions

The Welcome Page is the ‘landing page’ for the Joint Commission’s Direct Data Submission Platform (DDSP). The left-hand side of the Welcome Page contains the menu for the DDSP.

  1. From all screens, you can return to the Welcome Page by clicking on The Joint Commission Logo.

  2. From all screens, you are able to access additional resources via the “Need Help?” icon, as well as submit a platform support ticket.

  3. From the Welcome Screen, you can view the current submission status for the selected facility.

  4. From the Welcome Screen, you can view the overall status for eCQM and Chart-Abstracted Measure submission for the selected facility.

  5. From the Welcome Screen, users who had access to the respective previous years platforms* can view those years; NOTE: No changes can be made, and users cannot be added to prior years platforms.

*This is applicable from 2Q2021 forward; data submitted before 2Q2021 can be viewed by staff with access to Joint Commission Connect via Accelerate PI Dashboards.

6. From the Welcome Screen, if you have access to more than one facility, you can “Switch” to other facilities via the “Switch” drop down menu.

Screenshot image of the Joint Commission DDSP homepage identifying the different features indicated in the numerical list above.

Table of Contents:

Invite & Manage Users: When selecting ‘Invite and Manage Users' from the menu, the 'User' and the 'Outstanding Invitations' pages become available.  This page is used by individuals with the 'Invite & Manage User' permission within the organization’s Workspace.

HCO Characteristics: The DDSP provides HCO staff with a read-only view of the characteristics of their organization that are applicable to their ORYX requirements. 

eCQM Submission: For those organizations electing or required to submit eCQM data, when selected, this menu item expands to include actions to: Upload Data, Verify Data, and Submit Data. Additional resources are available by clicking on the “Need Help?” icon and navigating to the “eCQM” tab of Help & Resources.

Screenshot image of the Joint Commission DDSP navigation menu indicating the location for eCQM submission.

Chart-Abstracted Submission: For those organizations electing or required to submit chart-abstracted data, when selected, this menu item directs users to the Chart-abstracted measure module for entry of data. Additional resources are available by clicking on the “Need Help?” icon and navigating to the “Chart-Abstracted Measures” tab of Help & Resources.

Screenshot image of the Joint Commission DDSP indicating the location for chart-abstracted measure submission.

User Settings: Users are able to modify their preferred name, email address, and notification preferences, as well as access support tickets and legal documentation.

Screenshot image of the Joint Commission DDSP indicating the location for user settings.

Previous Platforms: Users who had access to the respective prior year(s) platforms* are able to view the content and associated documentation for each year from the homepage as well as the chart-abstracted and eCQM modules.

screenshot of the DDSP homepage indicating a dropdown menu in the upper right of the screen to view prior years data submission.


NOTE: No changes can be made and users cannot be added to prior years platforms.

*This is applicable from 2Q2021 forward; data submitted before 2Q2021 can be viewed by staff with access to Joint Commission Connect via Accelerate PI Dashboards.


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