DDSP General: Home Page

The Joint Commission

DDSP General: Home Page

DDS Platform Overview (22:48 minutes)
Select the embedded link: DDSP Platform Overview or copy/paste the URL text into your web browser: https://player.vimeo.com/progressive_redirect/playback/1007043289/rendition/1080p/file.mp4?loc=external&signature=879658c67c7527d40e490d3aeb84509610ed63c29d7f65aac9ac3056695b1859

Home Page

Table of Contents:

  • Purpose

  • How to Use

    • Navigation

    • Overall Status

    • eCQM Status

    • Chart-Abstracted Status


The Home Page is the ‘landing page’ for the Joint Commission’s Direct Data Submission Platform (DDSP).

From the Home Page users with appropriate permissions may navigate to menus within the DDSP to invite and manage other users, upload and submit eCQM data, and/or enter chart-abstracted measure data.

This page also provides the status of data submission activities for the Joint Commission ORYX Performance Measurement for Accreditation.

Note: Users with access to multiple facilities should always check the Header of the page to ensure they are “active” for the desired site.  If the correct facility is not “active”, click on the “Switch” button in the Header and choose the appropriate site.  The 'Switch' button is available from all pages within the DDS Platform.

Home Page

Screenshot of the DDSP home page emphasizing the SWITCH HCO button for users with access to multiple HCOs.

The left-hand side of the Home Page contains the menu for the DDSP:

  • HCO Characteristics

  • eCQM Submission (if applicable)

  • Chart-Abstracted Measure Submission

  • User Settings

This menu allows users with appropriate permission to navigate through the Platform. If you do not have permission to access a specific module, the DDSP will display a message with information on how to proceed.

Refer to the Invite and Manage Users documentation for information on the different DDSP user permissions.

  • If you believe you should be able to access one of the modules, contact an individual with Invite and Manage User permissions for the organization, as only they may modify your Workspace permissions.

  • If you believe either the eCQM Submission or Chart-Abstracted Submission module should be enabled for the facility, submit a Support Ticket from within the DDSP HCO workspace via the Need Help? button.

Overall Status

The overall status for eCQM and Chart-Abstracted Measure submission is provided on the Home Page.

  • At the top is the Name and HCO ID of the organization.

    • For users with access to multiple facilities: This is the site which is currently active. Above the name is the ‘Switch HCO ’ button which allows you to switch to other facilities you have access to.

  • The organization’s eCQM and Chart-Abstracted Status appear underneath.

Note: The submission status shows the count of all HCOs active for the user.  The counts are not specific to user permissions. 

  • If a user has CAM and/or eCQM permissions for an HCO, the user will see “Download Submission Report”.

  • If a user does not have CAM and/or eCQM permissions for an HCO, the user will see “Permission Not Granted”.

Screenshot image of the Joint commission DDSP home page Submission Status, indicating permission is not granted to open a report.

eCQM Status

If the hospital has the eCQM module enabled and you have access, the eCQM submission period header will indicate the date of the submission deadline.

Screenshot image of the Joint Commission DDSP indicating the submission status deadline in the banner of the eCQM status section.

If you have access to multiple hospitals which have the eCQM module enabled, an overview of the status for all hospitals is available.

  • Select the “Open” button to view status that has 1 or more hospitals in the count. The HCO Name(s) display and you are able to select by site.

eCQM Status'

  • eCQM Module Disabled: The eCQM module for this hospital is not enabled. If you believe this hospital should have access to the eCQM module, contact an individual with Invite and Manage user permission for the hospital and ask them to submit a Support Ticket via the "Need Help?" button.

  • eCQM ECR on File: This hospital submitted an Extenuating Circumstance Report (ECR) form to The Joint Commission and it has been accepted. The ECR states that the hospital is unable to submit any eCQM data for the entire year.

  • Unsubmitted: The hospital has not submitted eCQM data. The hospital may or may not have Uploaded any data.

  • Withdrawn: The hospital has submitted their eCQM data and subsequently Withdrawn the submission. The hospital is required to correct any issues with their data and re-submit before the submission deadline.

  • Submitted: The hospital has submitted their eCQM data for the year. Hospital’s should download their Submission Report and verify that the expected measures have been submitted to fulfil their ORYX requirements.

Chart-Abstracted Status

If the organization has the Chart-Abstracted Measure module enabled and you have access, the current quarter is displayed along with when it closes. Users can toggle to other quarters via the dropdown arrow:

Screenshot image of the Joint Commission DDSP indicating the submission status deadline in the banner of the chart-abstracted status section with drop down arrow on the right to toggle to other quarters.

If you have access to multiple facilities which have the Chart-abstracted module enabled, an overview of the status for all sites is provided.

  • Select the “Open” button to view status that has 1 or more facilities in the count. The HCO Name(s) display and you are able to select by site.


Chart-Abstracted Measure Status'

  • Chart-Abstracted Module Disabled: The Chart-Abstracted Measure module for this organization is not enabled. If you believe this organization should have access to the Chart-Abstracted Measure module, contact an individual with Invite and Manage user permission for the organization and ask them to submit a Support Ticket via the "Need Help?" button.

  • Chart-Abstracted Measure ECR on File: This organization submitted an Extenuating Circumstance Report (ECR) form to The Joint Commission for the current quarter and it has been accepted. The ECR states that the organization is unable to submit any chart-abstracted measure data for the quarter.

  • Not Started: The organization has not submitted any chart-abstracted measure data for the quarter.

  • In Progress: The organization has submitted chart-abstracted measure data for at least one measure for the quarter.

  • Complete: The organization has completed the submission of their chart-abstracted measure data for the quarter. Organization’s should download their Submission Report and verify that the expected measures and aggregate data have been submitted to fulfil their ORYX requirements. Note: If the organization desires to submit more than their Required measures, they may still continue to submit data even though their Chart-Abstracted Measure status is ‘complete’.

Note: The contents of the Home page depend upon HCO Characteristics. The example below shows a test organization with access to multiple organizations that submit both eCQM and Chart-Abstracted data.

Left side menu:

  • Site administrators invite and manage users or change HCO characteristics

  • users submit eCQM or Chart-Abstracted data

  • users adjust their settings (e.g. time-zone).

Center Workspace

  • switch to a different organization

  • submission status for next open quarter

  • submission summary for eCQM and Chart-Abstracted measures

Screenshot image of the Joint Commission DDSP showing the home page.


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