Chart-Abstracted Sample Size Requirements: HBIPS-5 (retired)

The Joint Commission

Chart-Abstracted Sample Size Requirements: HBIPS-5 (retired)

Encounter dates beginning 01-01-23 (1Q23) and ending 4Q2023 (4Q2023) upon retirement of measure

HBIPS-5: Hospital Based Inpatient Psychiatric Services (HBIPS)

Quarterly Sampling

For hospitals selecting sample cases for the HBIPS discharge measures, a modified sampling procedure is required. Hospitals selecting sample cases for this set must ensure that each individual stratum's population and effective quarterly sample size meets the following conditions:

  • Select within each of the four individual measure strata. The effective quarterly sample size within a stratum is at least 44 cases per quarter. Cases are placed into the appropriate stratum based upon the patient's age.

  • The required quarterly sample size is at least 20% of the stratum population for the quarter.

Quarterly Sample Size Based on Initial Patient Population for the HBIPS Discharge (HBIPS-DSC) Measures

If Average Quarterly Stratum Initial Patient Population Size “N” equals:

Quarterly Sample Size Based on Initial Patient Population for the HBIPS Discharge (HBIPS-DSC) Measures

If Average Quarterly Stratum Initial Patient Population Size “N” equals:

>877 then Minimum Required Stratum Sample Size “n” = 176

221-877 then Minimum Required Stratum Sample Size “n” = 20% of the Initial Patient Population

44-220 then Minimum Required Stratum Sample Size “n” = 44

<44 then No sampling: 100% of the Initial Patient Population is required

Monthly Sampling

For hospitals selecting sample cases for HBIPS discharge measures, a modified sampling procedure is required. Hospitals selecting sample cases for this set must ensure that each individual strata population and effective monthly sample size meets the following conditions:

  • Select within each of the four individual measure strata. The effective monthly sample size within a stratum is at least 15 cases per month. Cases are placed into the appropriate stratum based upon the patient's age.

  • The required monthly sample size is at least 20% of the stratum population for the month.


Monthly Sample Size Based on Initial Patient Population for the HBIPS Discharge (HBIPS-DSC) Measures

If Average Monthly Stratum Initial Patient Population Size “N” equals:

Monthly Sample Size Based on Initial Patient Population for the HBIPS Discharge (HBIPS-DSC) Measures

If Average Monthly Stratum Initial Patient Population Size “N” equals:

>295 then Minimum Required Stratum Sample Size “n” = 60

76-295 then Minimum Required Stratum Sample Size “n” = 20% of the Initial Patient Population

15-75 then Minimum Required Stratum Sample Size “n” = 44

<15 then No sampling: 100% of the Initial Patient Population is required

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