The Joint Commission
DDSP General: Invite and Manage Users
Short Demo for Invite and Manage Users (starts at 8:50)
Select the embedded link: DDSP Platform Overview or copy/paste the URL text into your web browser:
Topics covered in this section:
Invite new users
Editing permissions for existing users
Remove users
Withdraw invitations
Changing the Signature Authority
When selecting 'Invite and Manage Users' from the menu, the 'User' page becomes available. This page is used by individuals to review a list of current users and their associated permissions.
The ‘User’ page provides the ability to:
Invite new users
Editing permissions for existing users
Remove users
Withdraw invitations
Note: Users with access to multiple facilities should always check the Header of the page to ensure they are “active” for the desired organization. If the correct organization is not “active”, click on the “Switch HCO” button in the Header and choose the appropriate facility. The “Switch HCO” button is available from all pages within the DDS Platform.
How to Use:
Invite New User
On the ‘Users’ page:
Click the ‘+Invite New User’ button (left-side of page).
Enter the user's ‘First Name’, ‘Last Name’, ‘Email’, ‘Title’, ‘Department’, ‘Company Phone Number’, ‘Extension’, and ‘User Type’.
Select the appropriate permission(s) for this user.
Click the ‘Create’ button.
Repeat steps 1-4 to invite additional users.
Note: The invitation will be sent to the email entered. Please verify it is correctly spelled and formatted.
Invite New User Notes:
Users working for an organization utilizing email filtering must whitelist specific DDS Platform domains and email addresses to ensure all communications concerning the DDS Platform are received by the Platform users.
If a user’s email address is mistyped or sent to the wrong email address (e.g., personal instead of work), use the ‘Withdraw Invite’ instructions below and then repeat the above steps to re-invite the user.
If a user is given the wrong permissions during the invitation process, use the Edit User Permissions instructions below.
If a user is accidentally invited to the platform and:
they have accepted the invitation, use the Remove User instructions below
they have not accepted the invitation, use the Withdraw Invite instructions below
The invitation is only for the intended recipient and cannot be shared with other users
Once the invitation link is used to register and log in to the platform, the invitation link cannot be reused to access the Direct Data Submission Platform.
Users must access The Joint Commission Direct Data Submission Platform via the Joint Commission website Login
Tip - Bookmark: It is recommended that users bookmark or favorite the above link in their browser.
Edit User Permissions
On the ‘Users’ page:
Click ‘Manage User’ next to the user.
Change the user’s permission(s) by selecting their new permission from the appropriate drop-down box.
Click ‘Save’.
Remove User
On the ‘Users’ page:
Click ‘Remove User’ next to the user you wish to remove from having access to the organization Workspace.
Confirm that you want to remove the user from the organization’s Workspace by clicking ‘Remove’.
If you choose the wrong individual, click 'Back to User List'.
Note: Removing a user, sets the user as Inactive.
Reactivate User
Click ‘Manage User’ next to the user you wish to reactivate.
Click on the “Set Active” button.
Once the user is Active, go back into the user’s profile to update their permissions by clicking on “Manage User” next to the user’s name.
Withdraw Invite
On the ‘Users’ page:
Click ‘Withdraw Invite' next to the user to prevent them from utilizing their invitation to join the organization’s Workspace.
Confirm that you want to withdraw the invitation for the individual by clicking 'Remove'.
If you choose the wrong individual, click 'Back to User List'.
Tip - Wrong Email Address: If an invitation was sent to the wrong email address, first withdraw the invitation and then re-invite the user.
Additional Information for User Management:
Organization’s are responsible for all user activity within their organization DDSP workspace. Logins must be created specific to the user that will utilize the login. Do not create a generic user. For example: or
Passwords expire every 90-days. You do not need to access the Platform every 90-days, but once your password expires you will be required to reset it the next time you attempt to login.
Forget your password? Depending on what login screen you are presented with, either click the ‘Trouble logging in?’ or ‘Forgot Password?’ underneath the password box. On the next page, enter your email address and the DDSP will send you an email with instructions to reset your password.
Users email security system may cause issues with password reset.
User permissions
User permissions are maintained within the DDSP. There are individual permissions for:
Signatory Authority
Security Administrator
eCQM Submission Module
Chart Abstracted Measure Submission Module
See table below for a detailed list of each of the available permissions by Module and what the user can and cannot access, along with what they are able to modify within the DDSP.
Note: Users with access to multiple Workspaces will use each Workspace based on the permissions that have been assigned to them for that facility.
DDSP Permission Descriptions |
Invite & Manage Users Page: Signature Authority
Invite & Manage Users Page: Security Administrator
eCQM Submission: Permissions set to ‘none’ User cannot access the eCQM Module and will receive the message: "You do not have permission to access this hospital’s eCQM module. If you have access to multiple hospitals, please check the Header of the page to ensure you are "active" for the desired hospital. If you believe you should have access to the eCQM module for this hospital, contact an individual with Invite and Manage User permission, as only they may modify your Workspace permissions." |
eCQM Submission: Permissions set to ‘View Only’
eCQM Submission: Permissions set to ‘Full’ and sub-permission of ‘View Only’
eCQM Submission: Permissions set to ‘Full’ and sub-permission of ‘Full’
Chart Abstracted Submission Permissions set to ‘none’
Chart Abstracted Submission Permissions set to 'View Only'
Chart Abstracted Submission Permissions set to ‘Full’
Signature Authority
From a Joint Commission perspective, the role of the Signature Authority is solely and specifically for onboarding and signing of legal documents.
Once initial onboard is complete, the Signature Authority is simply another user on the platform.
Any staff assigned the role of Security Administrator is able to manage users as needed (more than one security admin is strongly encouraged).
In most cases, a change in staff does not warrant re-signing/reassigning the signatory, as they had the authority to act as signatory on behalf of the organization at the time of onboarding.
One known reason for changing the Signature Authority is if an organization merges with a new entity, and that new entity is a different legal owner and requires an updated legal agreement.
If your organization does identify it’s appropriate to change the Signature Authority based on the above, please submit a support ticket via the “Need Help?” icon.
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