The Joint Commission
DDSP General: Organization's Characteristics & Requesting Changes
Short Demo is included as part of the DDS Platform Overview video (starts at 13:50)
Select the embedded link: DDSP Platform Overview or or copy/paste the URL text into your web browser:
The DDSP provides HCO staff with a read-only view of the characteristics of their organization that are applicable to their ORYX requirements. This data include:
General Information
Facility Characteristics
How To Use:
Top of Page and General Information
The information contained on the top of the page and within the General Information box originates within your organization’s General Application (for accreditation), which is maintained within your Joint Commission Connect extranet site.
NOTE: All organization’s accreditation application data must be maintained within the General Application within their Joint Commission Connect site as this is critical for accreditation purposes.
Information from the General Application flows down to the DDSP (see Last Updated below).
If changes are needed, work with the individual(s) within your organization who are responsible for updating your General Application.
DDSP support staff are unable to modify your organization’s General Application information.
IN ADDITION, if applicable, your organization’s CCN must also be maintained within the DDSP (see CCN below).
The top of the page provides the following information:
HCO Name - Your organization’s Legal Business Name
HCO ID - This is the Joint Commission’s ID for the organization.
Last Updated - This is the date on which your organization’s accreditation application data was last extracted from your Joint Commission’s General Application.
It is not the date this information was imported into the DDSP as that might occur a couple of days later or the date this information was modified within your General Application.
General Information
While DDSP support staff may be able to edit your organization’s general information if requested, all except your CCN(s) will revert with the next import if it does not match the corresponding information in your Joint Commission’s General Application for accreditation.
DDSP support staff must add or change your CCN within the DDSP even if it has been updated within their General Application. If your CCN needs to be added or modified, use the ‘Need Help?’ button and create a support ticket.
FYI: Not all organization’s are assigned a CCN (e.g., federal facilities), so support staff will maintain all CCNs within the DDSP not updating from the General Application (for accreditation).
The CCN on file within an organization’s General Application (for accreditation) or other ORYX documents was initially imported for each organization.
HCO Name vs Doing Business As
The HCO Name, or Legal Business Name, is used on all DDSP invitations and the Submission Report.
The Doing Business As name is used within DDSP on all pages.
The initial import to the 2021 DDSP set the Doing Business As name the same as an organization’s Legal Business Name. This will be updated in a future extract from the Joint Commission’s General Application.
HAP Accreditation Program and CAH Accreditation Program
These flags are set by your organization’s Joint Commission Account Executive. There are times when your organization’s General Application has already been updated by your organization; however, that change has not yet been made within other Joint Commission applications.
If this is an issue, work with the individual(s) within your organization who are responsible for updating your General Application.
HCO Characteristics
The information contained within HCO Characteristics is maintained by Joint Commission DDSP support staff and is related to your organization’s ORYX Requirements.
If any of this information needs to be modified, use the ‘Need Help?’ button and create a support ticket.
Submitting eCQM Data - This flag enables / disables the eCQM Submission module.
When this flag = No:
Users will be unable to access the eCQM Submission module even if they have ‘View Only’ or ‘Full Access’ eCQM Upload & Submit permissions. The following message will be displayed to the user:
"Your HCO’s eCQM module has not been enabled.
If you believe this facility should have access to the eCQM module, submit a Support Ticket via the "Need Help?" button."
Submitting Chart Abstracted Data - This flag enables / disables the Chart Abstracted Submission module.
When this flag = No:
Users will be unable to access the Chart Abstracted Submission module even if they have ‘View Only’ or ‘Full Access’ Chart-Abstracted Data Entry permissions. The following message will be displayed to the user:
"Your HCO’s Chart Abstracted Submission module has not been enabled.
If you believe this facility should have access to the Chart Abstracted Submission module, submit a Support Ticket via the "Need Help?" button."
Chart Abstracted Data Collection Begin and End Dates - These dates are used to denote the first and last month in which an organization will be submitting chart-abstracted measure data.
Start Date = 12/31/1967 → The organization is not submitting chart-abstracted measure data.
End Date = 12/31/2999 → If the organization is submitting / has the option to submit chart-abstracted measure data, an end-date has not been selected and is treated as if they have an “on-going” end-date.
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