9. Direct Data Submission Platform: Technical

The Joint Commission

9. Direct Data Submission Platform: Technical

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Topics Covered in this section:

  • DDSP General Technical Information

  • DDSP QRDA-1 files

  • Volume / Case Threshold


Effective CY2023 data, chart-abstracted measures can be resubmitted if an organization identifies errors in previously entered data. For more information on resubmission, see the Resubmission help topic: https://jointcommission-ddsp.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DCS/pages/141295632

Uploaded data is not the same as submitted data. When a HCO uploads their data onto the DDSP, the data are loaded into their individual workspace.  Users can then use additional features of the DDSP to evaluate the completeness and accuracy of their data. Once an organization is satisfied that the data within their workspace is ready to be submitted as Production data to The Joint Commission, the HCO utilizes functionality within the DDSP to submit their data. Data that is uploaded but not submitted is not received by The Joint Commission and does not count towards completion of ORYX requirements.


The Quality Reporting Data Architecture (QRDA) is the data submission standard used for a variety of quality measurement and reporting initiatives. QRDA creates a standard method to report quality measures results in a structured, consistent format and can be used to exchange eCQM data between systems. QRDA Category I is an individual-patient-level report. It contains quality data for one patient for one or more eCQMs. The DDSP uses the QRDA I file format.

Additional information concerning QRDA I is available on the eCQI Resource Center at:
QRDA - Quality Reporting Document Architecture | eCQI Resource Center

The DDSP will accept the same QRDA I documents that are submitted to CMS (with the exception of measures not currently supported by CMS).

Links to the eCQM specifications, measure flows, value sets, and technical release notes for both measures are available at: Electronic Clinical Quality Measures

As a reminder, the specifications and supporting information for eCQMs used by both The Joint Commission and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), are available from the eCQI Resource Center or by clicking copying and pasting the web address into your internet browser: QRDA - Quality Reporting Document Architecture | eCQI Resource Center  (Make sure to select the appropriate Reporting Period).

Organization staff using the Joint Commission’s DDSP may grant external user permissions to assist with the eCQM upload process, e.g., uploading QRDA I documents or the data verification process (correct QRDA I document generation based on error/warnings, review measure results and rates to assist with addressing data mapping issues). The Joint Commission does not provide a separate Workspace to any vendor or consultant.  Instead, all vendors/consultants should work with their clients to test changes to their QRDA I document generation software.  Organization staff using the Joint Commission’s DDSP are responsible for the data submission process and the relationships with users on the DDSP. The Joint Commission no longer has any contracts with ORYX vendors. Vendor/consultant staff with access to an organizations workspace and wish to submit a question must utilize the platform Support Ticket functionality from within the HCO’s workspace that is being used for “testing” purposes to ensure that the responses to their questions are the same as what would be provided to the organization should they submit the same question.


End of Section: ORYX FAQs

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